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tamoadmin 2024-08-16
1.NBA里有哪些激励人心的名言2.2k18 legend edition gold和2k18有什么区别?NBA里有哪些激励人心的名言1、“I can acce


2.2k18 legend edition gold和2k18有什么区别?



1、“I can accept failure, but I can't acceptnot trying.”—— by Michael Jordan


2、“Even if the world abandonedme, but I also accompany Basketball.”?——by Kobe Bryant


3、“There is a lot of pressureput on me, but I don"t put a lot of pressure on myself. I feel if I playmy game, it will take care of itself.”——by Lebron James



4、“If you're absent from mystruggle,then ,don't be present for my success.”——by Dwyane Wade


5、“They can not break me .The only way to break me is to kill me,and everything that does not kill memakes me stronger.”——by Allen Iverson



6、“Basketball, maybe youthink this is just a sport, but I regard it as the air what I breathe everyday, this is the meaning of basketball — the basketball is life.”——by Kevin Garnett


7、“I think no matter where you are, the people who are not open todistinguish color, but the talent and the sweat you flowing.”——by Steve Nash


8、“My name is Tracy, this is not just a name, and I hope that one dayit could be a sign the NBA, a legend, this may be a distant dream, but I amconvinced that he promising to realize this dream and make unremitting effortspower.”——by Tracy Macgrady


9、“If one day I had to crawl to lee the stadium, I would never let mego carried away, no one can, I carried her out, never he.”——by Alonzo Mourning



10、“Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard. ”——by Kevin Durant

“不以天赋而自矜的天才终将成为。” ——凯文?杜兰特

2k18 legend edition gold和2k18有什么区别?

2k18 legend edition gold和2k18仅有两个区别:

1、价格:2k18 legend edition gold,中文翻译NBA2K18黄金珍藏版,顾名思义价格高于普通版2k18。




1、2K公司就宣布,在新款篮球游戏《NBA 2K18》中,他们会加入30支球队的历史最佳阵容球队。2017年8月16日,2K公司在社交媒体上,公布了湖人队的队史最佳阵容成员名单。


3、2017年6月2日消息,2K官方宣布《NBA 2K18》封面将邀请现凯尔特人队(前骑士队)明星球员凯里.欧文。正值篮球生涯巅峰时期的欧文,不仅去年带领骑士队拿下了总冠军,更在今年的赛季中再次打入总冠军赛,这也让他得到了“脚踝终结者”的称号。


(百度百科:NBA 2K18)