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tamoadmin 2024-07-11
1.初一初二英语词组2.英语翻译 力求准确 不要机器翻译3.my holiday英语作文将来式4.七年级冀教版英语短语5.you like playing ba


2.英语翻译 力求准确 不要机器翻译

3.my holiday英语作文将来式


5.you like playing basketball ,right?I often saw you play basketball during the summer holiday





sprint/middle-distance/long run 短跑/中/长距离跑

marathon 马松

relay race;relay 接力

hurdles;hurgle race 跨栏

walking;walking race 竞走

steeplechase 障碍赛

high jump 跳高

pole jump;pole vault 撑竿跳高

long jump 跳远

high skip and jump 三级跳

shot put 推铅球

discus 铁饼

weight throw 链球

gavelock;javelin 标枪

decathlon 男子十项全能(100米跑、跳远、铅球、跳高、400米跑,110米跨栏跑、铁饼、撑竿跳高、标枪、1500米跑)

heptathlom 女子七项全能(100米跨栏跑、跳高、铅球、200米跑、跳远、标枪、800米跑)

triathlon 铁人三项:游泳(1500米);自行车(40公里);跑步(10公里)

射击: shooting

Men's/Women's shooting 10m Air Rifle


Men's/Women's Shooting 10m Air Pistol 男子/女子10米气手枪

shooting Trap 多向飞碟

Shooting 10m Running Target 10米移动靶

Shooting 25m Pistol 25米运动手枪


Men's/Women's Diving Synchronised 10m platform男子/女子10米双人跳台

Men's/Women's 10m platform 男子/女子10米跳台

Men's/Women's 3m platform 男子/女子3米跳板

Men's/Women's Synchronized 3m springboard



400 medley 400米混合泳

freestyle 自由泳

breaststroke 蛙泳

butterfly 蝶泳

backstroke 仰泳

Men's/Women's 4x100 freestyle 男子/女子4x100混合泳接力


canoe/kayak 划皮艇

canoe slalom 轻舟激流

sailing 帆船运动

repechages (赛艇和击剑等运动的)补充赛


rings 吊环

balance beam 平衡木

trampoline 鞍马

vaulting horse 跳马

Women's Artistic Gymnastics Uneven Bars 竞技体子高低杠

Women's Artistic Gymnastics Beam 竞技体子自由体操

Men's Artistic Gymnastics Parallel Bars 竞技体子双杠

Men's Artistic Gymnastics horizontal Bar 竞技体子单杠

Men's/Women's Artistic Gymnastics Team Finals 男子/女子团体竞技体操

Men's/Women's Artistic Gymnastics All-Around Finals 竞技体子/女子个人全能决赛


Men’s/Women’s Fencing Sabre 击剑男子/女子长剑

Men's Fencing (Team) Foil 击剑男子(团体)花剑

Women’s Fencing Foil 击剑女子花剑

Men's/Women’s Fencing (Team) Epee 击剑男子/女子(团体)重剑


Men's Weightlifting 77kg 男子77公斤级举重

Women's Weightlifting 75+ kg 女子75公斤以上级举重

clean and jerk 挺举

snatch 抓举

球类运动:ball games

golf 高尔夫球

cricket 板球

hockey 曲棍球

volleyball 排球

badminton 羽毛球

table tennis 乒乓球

baseball 棒球

basketball 篮球

football/ 足球

tennis 网球

rugby 橄榄球

softball 垒球

handball 手球

water polo 水球


跆拳道: taekwondo

滑冰: ice skating

figure skating 花样滑冰

摔跤: wrestling

freestyle wrestling 自由式摔跤

Greece-Roman wrestling 古典式摔跤

自行车: cycling

individual/team pursuit 个人/团队争先赛

Women's 500m Time Trial 女子500米计时赛

Men's 1km Time Trial


Men's/Women's Team Sprint 男子/女子个人追逐赛(男4000米,女3000米)

Men's Team Sprint 男子团队追逐赛(4000米)

Men's/Women's Points Race 男子/女子记分赛

Men's Keirin 林赛

Men's Madison 麦迪逊赛

Cycling Mountain Bike:Cross Country 山地车:越野


dressage 盛装舞步

jumping individual show jumping 单马超越障碍比赛


acrobatic gymnastics---技巧运动

athletics/track & field---田径

Beach Volleyball---沙滩排球

boat race---赛艇

bobsleigh, bobsled---雪橇


canoe slalom---激流划船






downhill race---速降滑雪赛,滑降

dragon-boat racing---赛龙船




figure skating---花样滑冰



gliding; sailplaning---滑翔运动


Greece-Roman wrestling----古典式摔跤

gymnastic apparatus----体操器械




hold, lock-----揪钮

horizontal bar-----单杠

hurdles; hurdle race----跨栏比赛

ice skating---滑冰


item Archery---箭术




mat exercises---垫上运动

modern pentathlon---现代五项运动

mountain bike---山地车

parallel bars---双杠


relative work---造型跳伞

relay race; relay---接力


roller skating----滑旱冰





side horse, pommelled horse---鞍马

ski jump---跳高滑雪

ski jumping competition---跳高滑雪比赛



shuttlecock kicking---踢毽子





table tennis---乒乓球













walking; walking race---竞走

wall bars---肋木

water polo----水球

weightlifting ---举重

weights ---重量级

winter sports -----冬季运动

wrestling --- 摔交

yacht --- 游艇

Men's 10m Platform 男子10米跳台

Women's Taekwondo Over 67kg 女子67公斤级以上跆拳道

Women's Athletics 20km Walk 女子20公里竟走

Men's Diving Synchronized 3m Springboard 男子3米跳板

Women's Diving 3m Springboard 女子3米跳板

Women's Diving Synchronized 10m Platform 女子10米跳台

Men's Wrestling Greco-Roman 58kg 男子58公斤古典摔交

Men's Diving 3m Springboard 男子3米跳板

Men's Artistic Gymnastics Parallel Bars 竞技体子双杠

Women's Artistic Gymnastics Beam 竞技体子自由体操

Men's Table Tennis Singles 男子乒乓单打

Women's Diving 10m Platform 女子10米跳台

Women's Artistic Gymnastics Uneven Bars 竞技体子跳马

Women's Table Tennis Singles 女子乒乓单打

Men's Badminton Singles 男子羽毛球单打

Women's Badminton Doubles 女子羽毛球双打

Men's Diving Synchronized 10m Platform 男子双人10米跳台

Women's Diving Synchronized 3m Springboard 女子双人3米跳板

Men's Table Tennis Doubles 男子乒乓球双打

Women's Badminton Singles 女子羽毛球单打

Men's Fencing Team Foil 击剑男子团体花剑

Women's Judo Heavyweight +78kg 柔道女子重量级78公斤

Men's Shooting 10m Running Target 射击男子10米移动靶

Women's Shooting 25m Pistol 射击女子25米运动手枪

Women's Table Tennis Doubles 女子乒乓球双打

Men's Weightlifting 77kg 举重男子77公斤级抓举

Women's Weightlifting 75+ kg 举重女子75公斤以上级抓举

Mixed Badminton Doubles 羽毛球男子双打

Women's Artistic Gymnastics All-Around Finals 竞技体子个人全能决赛

Women's Judo Half-Heavywt 78kg 女子次重量级78公斤级柔道

Men's Artistic Gymnastics All-Around Finals 竞技体子个人全能

Women's Fencing Team Epee 击剑女子团体重剑

Women's Artistic Gymnastics Team Finals 竞技体子团体

Women's Judo Half-Middlewt 63kg 女子次中量级63公斤级柔道

Women's Weightlifting 63kg 女子63公斤级挺举举重

Women's Weightlifting 69kg 女子69公斤级抓举举重

Men's Artistic Gymnastics Team Finals 男子团体竞技体操

Men's Shooting 10m Air Rifle 射击男子10米气

Women's Shooting Trap 射击女子多向飞碟

Women's Weightlifting 53kg 举重女子53公斤级抓举

Women's Judo Half-Lightwt 52kg 女子次轻量级52公斤柔道

Women's Shooting 10m Air Pistol 女子10米

Women's Cycling Track 500m Time Trial 运动场自行车赛女子500米计时赛

Men's Shooting 10m Air Pistol 男子10米气手枪

Women's Shooting 10m Air Rifle 女子10米气

Men's Weightlifting 56kg 男子56公斤级挺举


Olympic Games Bidding Words

2008夏季奥运会2008 summer Olympics

国际奥委会the International Olympic Committee (IOC)

申办城市the bidding cities

候选城市 the candidate cities

申办2008年奥运会bid for 2008 Olympics

北京奥申委Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Bidding Committee (BOBICO)

主办2008年奥运会host the 2008 Olympic Games

奥林匹克精神the Olympic ideals; the Olympic spirit

世界奥林匹克日the International Olympic Day

环境保护 protect the environment

北京四环路the fourth ring road in Beijing

城市基础设施建设the city's infrastructure construction

最后的投票make the final vote

绿色奥运the Green Olympics

科技奥运the Scientific Games

节水龙头water-saving taps

再生纸recycled writing paper

废电池used batteries

无氟冰箱Freon-free refrigerators

闭路电视close-circuit television

友好大使the Goodwill Ambassador

长跑a long-distance running

世界大学生运动会the Universiade

acrobatic gymnastics——技巧运动

athletics/track & field——田径


boat race——赛艇

bobsleigh, bobsled——雪橇


canoe slalom——激流划船






downhill race——速降滑雪赛,滑降

dragon-boat racing——赛龙船




figure skating——花样滑冰



gliding; sailplaning——滑翔运动


Greece-Roman wrestling——古典式摔跤

gymnastic apparatus——体操器械




hold, lock——揪钮

horizontal bar——单杠

hurdles; hurdle race——跨栏比赛

shuttlecock kicking——踢毽子

ice skating——滑冰


item Archery——箭术




mat exercises——垫上运动

modern pentathlon——现代五项运动

mountain bike——山地车

parallel bars——双杠


qigong; breathing exercises——气功

relative work——造型跳伞

relay race; relay——接力


roller skating——滑旱冰





side horse, pommelled horse——鞍马

ski jump——跳高滑雪

ski jumping competition——跳高滑雪比赛







table tennis——乒乓球













walking; walking race——竞走

wall bars——肋木

water polo——水球

weightlifting ——举重

weights ——重量级

winter sports ——冬季运动

wrestling —— 摔跤

yacht —— 游艇

Men's 10m Platform 男子10米跳台

Women's Taekwondo Over 67kg 女子67公斤级以上跆拳道

Women's Athletics 20km Walk 女子20公里竞走

Men's Diving Synchronized 3m Springboard 男子3米跳板

Women's Diving 3m Springboard 女子3米跳板

Women's Diving Synchronized 10m Platform 女子10米跳台

Men's Wrestling Greco-Roman 58kg 男子58公斤古典摔跤

Men's Diving 3m Springboard 男子3米跳板

Men's Artistic Gymnastics Parallel Bars 竞技体子双杠

Women's Artistic Gymnastics Beam 竞技体子自由体操

Men's Table Tennis Singles 男子乒乓单打

Women's Diving 10m Platform 女子10米跳台

Women's Artistic Gymnastics Uneven Bars 竞技体子跳马

Women's Table Tennis Singles 女子乒乓单打

Men's Badminton Singles 男子羽毛球单打

Women's Badminton Doubles 女子羽毛球双打

Men's Diving Synchronized 10m Platform 跳水男子10米跳台

Women's Diving Synchronized 3m Springboard 跳水女子3米跳板

Men's Table Tennis Doubles 男子乒乓球双打

Women's Badminton Singles 女子羽毛球单打

Men's Fencing Team Foil 击剑男子团体花剑

Women's Judo Heavyweight +78kg 柔道女子重量级78公斤

Men's Shooting 10m Running Target 射击男子10米移动靶

Women's Shooting 25m Pistol 射击女子25米运动手枪

Women's Table Tennis Doubles 女子乒乓球双打

Men's Weightlifting 77kg 举重男子77公斤级抓举

Women's Weightlifting 75+ kg 举重女子75公斤以上级抓举

Mixed Badminton Doubles 羽毛球男子双打

Women's Artistic Gymnastics All-Around Finals 竞技体子个人全能决赛

Women's Judo Half-Heavywt 78kg 女子次重量级78公斤级柔道

Men's Artistic Gymnastics All-Around Finals 竞技体子个人全能

Women's Fencing Team Epee 击剑女子团体重剑

Women's Artistic Gymnastics Team Finals 竞技体子团体

Women's Judo Half-Middlewt 63kg 女子次中量级63公斤级柔道

Women's Weightlifting 63kg 女子63公斤级挺举举重

Women's Weightlifting 69kg 女子69公斤级抓举举重

Men's Artistic Gymnastics Team Finals 男子团体竞技体操

Men's Shooting 10m Air Rifle 射击男子10米气

Women's Shooting Trap 射击女子多向飞碟

Women's Weightlifting 53kg 举重女子53公斤级抓举

Women's Judo Half-Lightwt 52kg 女子次轻量级52公斤柔道

Women's Shooting 10m Air Pistol 女子10米

Women's Cycling Track 500m Time Trial 运动场自行车赛女子500米计时赛

Men's Shooting 10m Air Pistol 男子10米气手枪

Women's Shooting 10m Air Rifle 女子10米气

Men's Weightlifting 56kg 男子56公斤级挺举

baseball棒球 baseball field, baseball ground 棒球场 softball垒球

softball field, softball ground 垒球场 infield, diamond 内场 outfield 外场

fair territory 界内地区 foul territory 界外地区 foul line边线

base line垒间线 base 垒 bag 垒垫, 垒包 home base 本垒

first base一垒 second base二垒 third base 三垒 home plate本垒板

pitcher's plate 投手板 pitcher's mound 投手土墩 pitcher's circle投手圈

batter's box 击球员区 on deck circle 击球员准备区 catcher's box 接手区

coacher's box 跑垒指导员区 bench, dug-out 队员席 bull-pen 候补投手练习区

glove 手套, 分指手套 milt 合指手套 bat 球棒 mask 护面

chest protector 护胸 leg protector 护腿 supporter 护裆 helmet 护帽

baseball player 棒球运动员 softball player 垒球运动员 pitcher 投手

catcher 接手 fielder 守场员 baseman 守垒员 infielder 内场手

first baseman 一垒手 second baseman 二垒手 third baseman 三垒手

shortstop 游击手 outfielder 外场手 batter, hitter 击球员

base-runner 跑垒员 batter-runner 击跑员 relief pitcher 候援投手

designated hitter (DH) 指名击球员 coacher 跑垒指导员 manager 总教练

plate umpire 司球裁判员 base umpire 司垒裁判员 inning 局次

visiting team 先攻队 home team 后攻队 offensive team 攻队

defensive team 守队 pitching 投手投球 windup position 正面投球法

set up position 侧身投球法 sling shot 后摆投球法 wind mill 绕环投球法

8 figure 8字投球法 throwing 传球 catching 接球 fieldin 防守

batting, hitting 击球 base running 跑垒 stealing 偷垒

sliding 滑垒 strike zone 好球区 fair ball 界内球 foul ball 界外球

illegal pitch 不合法投球 illegally batted ball 不合法击球

bunt 触击球 foul tip 擦棒球 bunting 触击 swing 挥击

ground ball, grounder 地滚球 liner, line drive 平直球

fly ball 腾空球 hit, safety hit 安全打 one base hit 一垒打

two base hit 垒打 three base hit 三垒打 home run, homer 本垒打

sacrifice hit 牺牲打 sacrifice bunt 牺牲触击 sacrifice fly 牺牲腾空球

squeeze bunt 抢分触击 run and hit, hit and run 击跑配合战术

safe 安全上垒 base on balls 四球安全上垒 struck-out 三击出局

run, score得分 batting order 击球次序 wild pitch 暴投

pick-off 牵制跑垒员的传球 balk 投手犯规 put-out 接杀

out, down, away 出局 touch out 触杀 force out 封杀 assist 助杀

run down 夹杀 double play, double kill 双杀

triple play, triple kill 三杀 wild throw 野传球 passed ball接手漏接球

ball in play, live ball 继续比赛, 活球 ball not in play, dead ball 死球

cover 补位 back up 策应 cut-off 拦接 play shallow 近迫防守

play deep 后撤防守 appeal play 申诉行 called game 有效比赛

forfeited game 比赛弃权 batting average 安打率 fielding average 防守率

earned run 投手责任失分

奥林匹克运动会 Olympics

赛跑 race

滑冰 skating

跳水 diving

游泳 swim

举重 weight lifting

足球 \football

篮球 basketball

排球 volleyball


Swimming 游泳

freestyle 自由泳

backstroke 仰泳

breaststroke 蛙泳

butterfly 蝶泳

individual medley 个人混合泳

freestyle relay 自由泳接力

medley relay 混合泳接力

Water polo 水球

Diving 跳水

10m platform event 十米跳台

3m springboard event 三米跳板

synchronised diving from 10 m platform 双人十米跳台

synchronised diving from 3 m springboard 双人三米跳板

Synchronised swimming 花样游泳


Individual events 个人赛

英语翻译 力求准确 不要机器翻译


1 Liu Xiang is a famous Hurdler


2 when Liu Xiang was born


She was born in January 21, 1974 3


In 4 he holds the world record in the 100 metres world


The 5 who remained out of the women's 5000 meters race world record


6 how long did he hiccup


7 when he started to play basketball


Three years ago


8 when she started to learn to play the piano


When she was 5 and a half years old


9 what time do you start primary school


When I was six years old


10 when did you first go to a movie?


6 years ago


11 when did you begin to learn to walk?


When I was one year old


In 12 he is too fat to run,


In 13 she is a loving grandmother


14 all her spare time was spent with her granddaughter


15 he said last night 2 hours to clean the room, so late


16 the end of last month, I spent 6000 yuan to buy a digital camera


In 17 when she was 18 years old, she travelled all over Europe


18 Fu Mingxia 12 years old when he won the gold medal


In 19 at the age of 20 she played for the national team


In 20 he gave Li wrote a letter of about 1000 words.


21 many students took part in the sports meeting


22 all the soldiers are dead, only that she is still alive


23 I intend to participate in December the school art festival


In 24 he intends to go to Hawaii with my family of two months holiday


In 25 while at University, he majored in Journalism


In 26 she was too weak, unable to care for her children


27.3 year old child can hum this song


28 when did she become a skating champion.


In 29 he was as a famous table tennis athletes and famous


In 30 Deng Ya Ping was the women's table tennis singles seeds

my holiday英语作文将来式

 以my holiday为题目的 英语 作文 ,若是用将来形式写如何写?下面是我给大家整理了my holiday我的假期英语作文,供大家参阅!

my holiday英语作文将来式篇1

 My holiday

 My holiday is colour.Every weekend,I do some shopping with my parents.And ,then,I play games with my friends in the park.We play basketball,football and so on.

 我的假日是彩色的。每个周末我和我的父母一起买东西。然后我和我的朋友在公园玩游戏。我们玩 篮球 , 足球 等等。

my holiday英语作文将来式篇2

 The holiday is coming!

 i will spend my holiday in a healthy way this time.

 i plan to get up at 7 am every day.

 And three meals a day is necessary.

 what is more ,i will swim in the pool and play basketball to keep fit.

 i can't wait to relax myself during the vacation!

my holiday英语作文将来式篇3

 My Smmer Holiday

 Time always flies fast. Summer holiday was the longest holiday of the year. I have two months to play or study. But I still think it is too short. I want to have more days to rest because I had a good time in the holiday.

 Before the holiday, I studied for the tests. So I had to study very hard. I was busy and tired to do it. But in the first week of the holiday, I didn't have anything to do. So I could do anything I wanted to do. For example, I could watch TV, play computer or read books and more every time. It was very relaxing. Then, I had a great vacation in Beijing. I visited the Great wall, the Summer Palace, the Palace Museum and other places. There were so many people there on vacation. I had great fun there. I think Beijing is a really very beautiful city and it is a good place to learn Chinese history. After it, I stayed at home. It was relaxing but kind of boring. But I could do homework and read books hard. It was as relaxing as watching TV. Sometimes, my friends also came to my home to ask me to go out with them. We did some sports together. Wasn't it exciting? I wasn't good at sports, but I'd like to have a try because of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. I was excited to watch it. And I had to go to learn math every Tuesday and Saturday, too. The math exercises were a little bit difficult. And it usually made me not watch TV for a long time. But I still liked it because I was happy when I finished it. During the holiday, the weather was hotter than spring. I could eat ice cream and lots of fruits. They were delicious. What a happy holiday I had!

 Tomorrow, school will start. I decide to study hard and I hope I can get good grades. I hope I would have a great holiday again, too.

》》》》下一页更多精彩?my holiday我的假期英语作文?


Unit 1

1. go on a trip to 到……去旅行(游)

2. the capital city of ……首都

3. too … to … 太……而不能……

4. (be) far (away) from 离……远

5. from … to … 从……到……

6. work hard 努力工作(学习)

7. in school = at school 在学校

8. go shopping (去)买东西

9. in restaurants 在餐馆

10. live in/on 住在……

11. come on one's trip to 来参加去…的旅游

12. talk to/with sb. 跟某人交谈

13. This is …(打电话时). 我是……。

14. be going (to) 打算;准备;计划

15. That's great/wonderful. 太好了。

16. leave for + 地点 动身去……

17. on February first 在二月一日

18. arrive in + 大地方 抵达某地

19. arrive at + 小地点 到达某地

20. in the morning/afternoon 在上/下午

21. how far (某处)多远

22. how long (某物)多长;(时间)多久

23. take catch a bus 坐车;乘车

24. take a train 坐火车

25. stay with 和……呆在一起

26. have a week for 有一周(做某事)

27. want sth. 想要某物

28. want to do sth. 想要做某事

29. want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事

30. one/a pair of 一双/对/副……

31. need more sth. 需要更多某物

32. All done! 全部做完!

33. at the train station 在火车站

34. Have a good trip! 旅途愉快!

35. walk to … 走路去……

36. there is/are … (在某处)有……

37. run to … 向……跑去

38. jump on 跳上去

39. be ready 准备好

40. be excited 很兴奋/激动

41. love doing sth. 喜爱做某事

42. Don't do sth.! 别做某事!

43. sit down 坐下

44. stand up 站起来

45. pack sth. 打包某物

46. write home 给家人写信

47. say sth. about … 说说有关……的情况

48. before a trip 旅行前

49. have fun (in) doing sth. 做某事很有趣

50. on February first in the morning

= in the morning on February first

= on the morning of February first


Unit 2

1. look out of 往……外面看

2. a big brown cow 一头棕色的大奶牛

3. a tall green tree 一棵绿色大树

4. a little red school 一所红色的小学校

5. point at + 较近处 指着……

6. point to + 较远处 指向……

7. look at … 看……

8. be quiet 安静

9. draw a picture 画画

10. read a book 看(读)书

11. sing a song (to sb.) (向着某人)唱歌

12. a bottle of 一瓶……

13. on the train 在火车上

14. sit behind … 坐在……后面

15. Here is/are …. 这儿有(是)……。

16. the baby's mother 这个婴儿的妈妈

17. Li Ming's father 李明的父亲

18. the woman behind me 我后面的那位女士

19. be tired 很累

20. be thirsty 口渴

21. Me, too. 我也是(做)。

22. would like sth. 想要某物

23. would like to do sth. 想要做某事

24. would like sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事

25. in one's stomach 在某人的肚子里

26. too hot to drink 太热而不能喝

27. a little food to eat 可吃的一点食物

28. a snack 快餐

= fast food = take-away food

29. have some soup 喝(些)汤

30. read the newspaper 看报

31. play cards 打扑克

32. with his friends 和他的朋友一起

33. have fun 玩得开心

= have a good/great/nice/wonderful time

= enjoy oneself (某人自己)

34. play with sb. 和某人一起玩

35. play with sth. 玩弄某物

36. arrive in Beijing 到达北京

= get to Beijing

37. many men/women 许多男/女人

38. people in the train station 火车站里的人

39. the Beijing Train Station 北京火车站

40. find sb. doing sth. 发现某人在做某事

41. buy tickets 买票

42. Good work! = Well done! 干得好!

Unit 3

1. a walk in Beijing 在北京散步

2. take a taxi to 打的/坐出租车去…

3. there are many people 有很多人

4. on/in the street 在街上

5. walk quickly/slowly 走路很快/慢

6. too many + 复数名词 太多的……

7. feel scared 觉得害怕

8. Here I come! 我来了!

9. see sb. playing 看见某人在玩

10. laugh loudly 大声笑

11. fly kites quietly 静悄悄地放风筝

12. fly a kite 放风筝

13. hurt one's arm 伤着胳膊

14. Don't worry. 别着急(担心)。

15. put a bandage on 在……上绑绷带

16. put film in 把胶卷放进……

17. take a picture 照相

18. help sb. do sth. 帮助某人做某事

19. Are you okay? 你还好吗?

= Are you all right?

20. sit down 坐下

21. in front of 在……(外部)前面

22. in the front of 在……(内部)前面

23. Be careful! 当心!/注意!

= Look out!

= Take care!

24. Jenny's and Danny's postcards/pictures

珍妮和丹尼(分别所有)的贺卡/ 照片

25. a shop in the hotel 酒店里的一个商店

26. send … to … 把……寄给……

27. a picture of … ……的照片

28. on the left/right 在左/右边

29. put the address 写地址

30. put the stamp 贴邮票

31. in the corner 在角落

32. write to sb. 给某人写信

= write a letter to sb.

33. be bigger than 比……大

34. put sth. in 把某物放进……

35. at the post office 在邮局

36. how much 多少(钱)

37. a friend in Canada 在加拿大的朋友

38. send an e-mail 发电子邮件

39. go straight down 沿着……一直走

40. Here it is! 就在这儿!

41. How's the weather … ? ……天气怎样?

= What's the weather like …?

42. go/come home to 回到……的家中

43. be ready for sth. 为某事做好准备

44. forget sth. 忘记某物

45. at the top/bottom 在顶/底部

Unit 4

1. shopping in Beijing 在北京购物

2. buy sth. for sb. 给某人买某物

= buy sb. sth.

3. walk there 走路到那里

4. sit and sit 坐呀坐呀(一直坐)

5. What time is it? (现在)几点了?

= What's the time?

6. Here is Danny! 丹尼来了!

7. What happened (to …)? (……)怎么啦?

8. every day (everyday) 每天 (每天的 adj.)

9. arrive home from 从……回到家

10. have a nice trip 旅途愉快

= have a good/great/wonderful trip

11. last week/month 上周(星期) / 月

12. the first/second day 第一 / 二天

13. show sth. to sb. 给某人看某物

14. gifts for everyone 给大家的礼物

15. put (it, them) on 穿上 (它,它们)

16. too + adj. + for sb. 对某人太……

17. sth. from China 来自中国的某物

18. like sth. 喜欢某物

19. like to do sth. 喜欢做某事(偶然)

20. like doing sth. 喜欢做某事(习惯)

Unit 5

1. making breakfast 做早饭

2. It's time for sth. 该做某事了。

= It's time to do sth.

3. It's time for sb. to do sth. 该某人做某事了。

4. on the school bus 在校车上

5. forget sth. 忘记某物

6. forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事(没未做)

7. forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事(已经做了)

8. the bus stop 公共汽车站

9. bus driver 公共汽车司机

10. go to school by bus 坐公交车上学

= go to school on a / the bus

= take a / the bus to school

11. live too far from … 住得离……太远

12. This is sb. 这位是……。

13. be (am, is, are) from 来自……

= come from 是……人

14. the name of the city 城市名字(称)

15. speak English / Chinese 讲英语/汉语

16. how old 几岁了

17. … years old ……岁了

18. be the same 一个样,相同

19. What's for + 三餐? 三餐吃什么?

20. watch TV / a game 看电视/比赛

21. sit in a / the chair 坐在(扶手)椅子上

22. sit on the couch 坐在沙发上

23. read the newspaper 看报

24. in the corner 在角落

25. in the living room 在客厅

26. teach a lesson 上课

27. get to work 开始工作

28. What's the temperature …? ……气温多少度?

29. get bigger 变得更大

30. with an s 加有 s

31. at the end (of) 在(……的)末尾

32. make a chart 绘制图表

33. do one's homework 做家庭作业

34. help sb. 帮助某人

35. help sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事

= help sb. do sth.

= help sb. with sth.

36. put a circle for 画个圆代替……

37. never do sth. 从来不做某事

38. brush one's teeth 刷牙

39. have lunch / supper 吃午饭/晚饭

40. What else …? ……其他东西/事情?

= What other things …?

41. be gone 消失了

42. say good-bye to 向……道别

43. say hello to 向……问候/好

Unit 6

1. a cold, snowy day 一个寒冷的雪天

2. get ready for sth. 准备做某事

3. winter jacket 棉夹克

4. What a cold, snowy day! 多冷的一个雪天啊!(感叹句)

5. in winter / fall 在冬天/秋天

6. on the ice / snow 在冰/雪上

7. teach sb. 教某人

8. teach sb. sth. 教某人某事

9. teach sb. to do sth. 教某人做某事

10. winter fun 冬天的游戏/

11. make a snowman 堆雪人

12. another snowman (任意)另一个雪人

13. some little rocks 一些小石子

14. go inside 进去

15. … be coming! ……来了!

16. a Western holiday 一个西方的节日

17. on a / the holiday 在节日/ 假期

18. Santa Claus 圣诞老人

= Father Claus = Father Christmas

19. in red ( clothes ) 穿着红色衣服

20. on / at Christmas 在圣诞节

21. invite sb. to … 邀请某人到……

22. come for Christmas 来过圣诞节

23. bring sth. for sb. 为某人带来某物

24. Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!

25. do sth. together 一起做某事

26. Christmas cards 圣诞贺卡

27. the bus stop (station) 公共汽车站

28. the card with sb. (sth.) (印)有某人(某物)的卡片

29. Jenny's family 珍妮的家庭(家人)

30. put up 举起; 挂起; 装点…

31. something special 特别的东西

32. ask quietly 悄悄地问

33. whisper to sb. 对某人耳语

= say in a low voice

34. something Chinese 中国的物品

35. There is + 单数名词 + 介词短语 .

There are + 复数名词 + 介词短语 .

在某地 / 某时有某物 / 人。

36. warm and rainy 温暖而多雨

37. What a hot, sunny day! 多么酷热的艳阳天啊!

38. blow sth. off … 把某物从……吹落

39. ski on the snow 在雪上滑雪

40. walk in the rain 在雨中行走

41. swim in the sea 在海里游泳

42. play in the wind 在风中玩耍

43. one's favourite season 某人最喜爱的季节

Unit 7

1. at the (sports) store 在(体育用品)商店

2. a ping-pong ball 一个乒乓球

3. this one (pron.) 这一个(只;……)

4. How much is + 单数名词 (代词) ?

How much are + 复数名词 (代词) ?


5. … dollar(s) for sth. 买某物……元

6. at the gym 在体育馆

7. like … very much 非常喜欢……

like … better 较喜欢……

like … best 最喜欢……

8. my favourite (n.) 我最喜欢的人/物

9. throw /catch the basketball 扔/接篮球

10. throw the basketball at the net 投篮

= put the basketball in the net

11. hit the ping-pong ball with the paddle 用乒乓球拍拍球

12. hit the ball to sb. 将球拍向某人

13. teach each other sth. (两人)互教做某事

14. a good basketball player 一位优秀篮球运动员

15. play basketball with a ping-pong ball


16. a basketball game 一场篮球赛

17. the other team (两队中的) 另一队

18. A play B A与B比赛

= A play against B = A VS B

19. have fun doing sth. 做某事很有乐趣

20. yell for sb. 为某人加油/助威

21. be good for sb. 对某人有好处/益

be bad for sb. 对某人有害处

22. make a chart 做个图表

23. how often 多长时间……一次……

24. once a day 每天一次

twice a week 每周两次

three times a month 每月三次

several times 几次

many times 许多次

25. wake up 醒来;叫醒

26. more (less) than 多(少)于

27. never do sth. 从来不做某事

28. for strong bones / muscles 为了结实的骨骼/肌肉

29. make one's body healthy and strong


30. Sixty minutes makes an hour. 六十分钟组成一小时。

31. need to get more exercise 需要得到更多的锻炼

32. on TV 从(通过)电视上

33. have to = must 得;不得不;必须

34. listen to sb. 听某人讲(话)

35. from Monday to Friday 从周一到周五

Unit 8

1. enjoy sth. 喜爱某物 (事)

enjoy oneself 玩得开心; 过得愉快

enjoy doing sth. 喜爱做某事

2. at the swimming pool 在游泳池(整个范围)

in the swimming pool 在游泳池里(水里)

3. swim to … 向……游去

4. run with the kite 牵着风筝跑

5. make it fly 让它飞起来

6. run into a tree 撞上树

7. (lie) on the grass (躺)在草地上

8. look like 看起来像

9. drive one's car to … 开车去……

= drive to …

10. pick the flowers 摘花

11. on the beach 在沙滩上

12. in the ocean 在海洋里

13. the summer holiday 暑假

14. the winter holiday 寒假

15. visit sb. 看望某人

16. next week / year 下周 / 明年

17. some books about 一些关于……的书

18. a souvenir of China 中国的纪念品

19. at the door 在门口

20. how long (时间, 物体)多

you like playing basketball ,right?I often saw you play basketball during the summer holiday

you like playing basketball ,right?I often saw you play basketball during the summer holiday




短语搭配:Euroleague Basketball欧洲篮球联赛 ; 欧洲篮球冠军联赛、basketball leather篮球革 ; 皮革类英语、Street Basketball街头篮球 ; 街头暴力篮球 ; 新版街头篮球

Stickman Basketball火柴人篮球 ; 火柴人篮球赛 、practice basketball练篮球 ; 练习篮球、rubber basketball橡胶篮球 ; 橡皮篮球、Basketball Net篮球网 ; 篮球网、Real Basketball真实篮球 ; 真实投篮 ;?

例句:The plan has a sting intail: it means we lose one day's holiday.这个计划是先甜后苦: 它意味着我们少一天的假期.

To master the skill of playing basketball he is making a great business of it.为掌握好打篮球的技巧,他在进行艰苦的练习.I was hot on playing basketball when I was in college.我上大学时热衷于打篮球.


15岁的艾玛·沃特森(在哈利·波特中饰 赫敏·格兰杰)再次出色地扮演了好心的书呆子赫敏·格兰杰,一个刚开始对除了书之外的其他东西感兴趣的角色。




-- EMMA(赫敏)的个人资料 !

EMMA的个人资料 EMMA资料~~收录


全名: Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson

昵称: Em

生日: 1990/4/15




头发颜色: Blonde

眼睛颜色: Brown


校园剧: Arthur: The Younger Years [Morgan La Fay], The Swallow and The Prince [The Swallow], The Happy Prince [unknown lead role], and Alice in Wonderland [the angry cook]

Accomplishments: 1st place in the Daisy Pratt Poetry Competition [1997], winning the role of Hermione out of thousands of other girls [2000], a Young Artists Award [2002]

偶像: Julia Roberts, Sandra Bullock, Goldie Hawn, and John Cleese


父母: Jacqueline and Chris [离异]

弟弟: Younger brother [3岁], Alex

奶奶: Freda Watson

宠物: Bubbles and Domino (猫)


最喜欢的情景: Troll Scene (stunts galore!)

最喜欢的魔咒: "Petrificus Totalus!"


On-Set Nickname: One-Take Watson!

最喜欢的场景: The Gilderoy Lockhart scenes

最不喜欢的场景:在最后拥抱哈利[Daniel] "开始我很害怕,但后来就好了."


Best Youth Performance

Outstanding Supporting Actress --- American Moviegoer Awards

Best Ensemble in a Feature Film --- Young Artists Award

Leading Young Actress in a Feature Film - Young Artists Awards

Best Acting Ensemble

Best Performance By a Youth - Female

Best Supporting Actress --- AOL Moviegoer Awards

Favourites [General HP]


最喜欢的HP角色: Hagrid ("because he is funny!"


衣服牌子: DKNY, Gap and Harvey Nichols

音乐: Bryan Adams, Suzanne Vega, Dido, and Samantha Mumba. "I enjoy all the latest stuff on the radio."

Jelly Bean Flavour: Sherbert Lemon

动物: Cats

运动: Tennis, Hockey and Rounders [有点像棒球]

**: Julia Roberts movies (Pretty Women, Notting Hill, etc)

Good Books (but not a Favourites!): The Phantom Tollbooth and I Captured Castle

学校科目: 艺术

食物:意大利食物 (意大利面,比萨, 等等) 和巧克力!

不喜欢的[关于 HP]

她的**名字: " [My friends] do not go around calling me Hermione Granger. I am me."

When People Pronounce Hermione wrong.

不喜欢 [Misc]


学校科目: 地理, 数学和拉丁文

食物: 蔬菜


Quidditch Postion She Want to Play: Chaser

Holiday (2001) Wish: "I wish there was peace between America and Afghanistan."

Set Piece She would Steal: One of the Chess Pieces or her Wand

Invisibility Cloak Uses: Sneaking into movies or concerts

Her First Interview: August 2000 (Announcing Cast)

迷恋: 威廉王子和布莱德·彼得

第一次去美国: NY Premiere of Harry Potter

喜欢: Books by Dahl (Think James and the Giant Peach)

她爸爸第一次读给她听的书: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (by same author as above!)




Emma Watson

c/o HP Production

Leavesden Studios

P.O.Box 3000

Leavesden, Herfordshire


United Kingdom



全名: Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson

昵称: Em

生日: 1990/4/15




头发颜色: Blonde

眼睛颜色: Brown


校园剧: Arthur: The Younger Years [Morgan La Fay], The Swallow and The Prince [The Swallow], The Happy Prince [unknown lead role], and Alice in Wonderland [the angry cook]

Accomplishments: 1st place in the Daisy Pratt Poetry Competition [1997], winning the role of Hermione out of thousands of other girls [2000], a Young Artists Award [2002]

偶像: Julia Roberts, Sandra Bullock, Goldie Hawn, and John Cleese


父母: Jacqueline and Chris [离异]

弟弟: Younger brother [3岁], Alex

奶奶: Freda Watson

宠物: Bubbles and Domino (猫)


最喜欢的情景: Troll Scene (stunts galore!)

最喜欢的魔咒: "Petrificus Totalus!"


On-Set Nickname: One-Take Watson!

最喜欢的场景: The Gilderoy Lockhart scenes

最不喜欢的场景:在最后拥抱哈利[Daniel] "开始我很害怕,但后来就好了."


Best Youth Performance

Outstanding Supporting Actress --- American Moviegoer Awards

Best Ensemble in a Feature Film --- Young Artists Award

Leading Young Actress in a Feature Film - Young Artists Awards

Best Acting Ensemble

Best Performance By a Youth - Female

Best Supporting Actress --- AOL Moviegoer Awards

Favourites [General HP]


最喜欢的HP角色: Hagrid ("because he is funny!"


衣服牌子: DKNY, Gap and Harvey Nichols

音乐: Bryan Adams, Suzanne Vega, Dido, and Samantha Mumba. "I enjoy all the latest stuff on the radio."

Jelly Bean Flavour: Sherbert Lemon

动物: Cats

运动: Tennis, Hockey and Rounders [有点像棒球]

**: Julia Roberts movies (Pretty Women, Notting Hill, etc)

Good Books (but not a Favourites!): The Phantom Tollbooth and I Captured Castle

学校科目: 艺术

食物:意大利食物 (意大利面,比萨, 等等) 和巧克力!

不喜欢的[关于 HP]

她的**名字: " [My friends] do not go around calling me Hermione Granger. I am me."

When People Pronounce Hermione wrong.

不喜欢 [Misc]


学校科目: 地理, 数学和拉丁文

食物: 蔬菜


Quidditch Postion She Want to Play: Chaser

Holiday (2001) Wish: "I wish there was peace between America and Afghanistan."

Set Piece She would Steal: One of the Chess Pieces or her Wand

Invisibility Cloak Uses: Sneaking into movies or concerts

Her First Interview: August 2000 (Announcing Cast)

迷恋: 威廉王子和布莱德·彼得

第一次去美国: NY Premiere of Harry Potter

喜欢: Books by Dahl (Think James and the Giant Peach)

她爸爸第一次读给她听的书: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (by same author as above!)









